What Next …. Change?
Requires: Change in Thinking…
Results: Your Feelings and Behavior Change
January 2019… already gone. Could be the time to be realistic about what we want to change. Here are some getting started thoughts:
Commit to self exploration:
Be curious about who you are. You are open to discover different way of feeling and a healthier acceptance of yourself and others. You want to change.
Be Aware of Feelings, Thinking, Behavior:
Most of your days are filled with words that describe behavior. Stuff you could view in a video, it’s obvious, you can witness it. But behavior is only one-third of who you are. Feelings and thinking make up the other two-thirds, but are rarely noticed or expressed. Understanding all three parts will help you develop an emotional vocabulary, ideas and concepts to be direct and clearer in your communication.
Patience with yourself:
When you are not sure what to say, what to do or how you feel, take a moment and pause. Could be time for checking in with yourself to get clarity about what is internally going on before the your next step. Could be a good time to talk with someone you trust to help sort things out objectivity.
Be open to feed back:
The idea is to recognize when to ask for feedback and be curious about the information, (minus the defensiveness). This will encourage healthy change. The hard part is putting our emotional guard or protection aside to begin understanding yourself differently.